If modern-day disciple making had a rally cry it would be, “Discipleship is so easy anyone can do it.” it’s an encouraging message, but is it true? Would Jesus agree?
Tool-based discipling is a method of discipling that emphasizes becoming, customized training, equipping, and individual ownership for the purpose of both maturity and multiplication. Each aspect happens in the context of…
Standardized discipling quickly empowers disciples who lack vision, confidence, balanced equipping, to get started making disciples. It's not all good though, there are at least four costs to...
Eventually every category comes down to two. Even though there are thousands of options, the choice typically narrows to just two ways. The same is true with disciple making.Can you guess what they are?
There are thousands of paths available in how to make a disciple. How can we discern which path is best? Are there tests that will narrow the options ? Here are seven tests to help us get closer to Jesus-style disciple making…
There’s one disciple making decision that stands above all the rest. It will change everything for those you disciple and for you. Curiously, it’s a decision that the disciples never had to make. Have you?
The solution to the Church’s disciple making problem may not be what you think. Get your FREE copy of the new Bicycle eBook to discover what the latest data won’t tell you.
Both friendship and disciple making are relational, often result in spiritual growth and encouragement, and both are commanded in Scripture. As much as they have in common though, they are not the same. Here are three significant differences between friendship and discipleship…