
Missional Disciple Making Among Lesser Goals

Missional Disciple Making Among Lesser Goals

When it comes to reaching non-Christians, clergy and laity have a “don’t ask – nothing to tell” agreement. Though each side can see it’s not happening, asking about it would invite an uncomfortable inquiry into that aspect of their own life. Unfortunately, these walls of civility imprison them in a brand of Christianity that’s powerless to transform an individual or a family, let alone the city or the world…

What's the Difference? Shepherding vs. Disciple Making

What's the Difference? Shepherding vs. Disciple Making

Many pastors view their life, ministry, and calling primarily through the lens of a shepherd. So why is it that while Jesus was both the Good Shepherd AND a Master Disciple Maker, most pastors shepherd without making disciples? Let’s dive into the differences…

Marks of a Disciple Making Culture: A Core Team

Marks of a Disciple Making Culture: A Core Team

Most pastors and churches don’t understand what it takes to build a core team and what characteristics such a team possesses. So what does a core team look like in the wild? Here are FOUR commitments a core team must have to make a disciple making impact.