Disciple Making Podcast - Life on Mission

Disciple Making Podcast - Life on Mission

A few weeks ago, I sat down with my friend, Pastor Tony Miltenberger to be a guest on the Reclamation Podcast. It was my first ever podcast and though I was fairly nervous going in, I thought it turned out pretty good! The delay between recording and publishing set-up one of my favorite parenting moments ever…

What's the Difference? Shepherding vs. Disciple Making

What's the Difference? Shepherding vs. Disciple Making

Many pastors view their life, ministry, and calling primarily through the lens of a shepherd. So why is it that while Jesus was both the Good Shepherd AND a Master Disciple Maker, most pastors shepherd without making disciples? Let’s dive into the differences…

How Do You Know When You've Made a Disciple?

How Do You Know When You've Made a Disciple?

As we roll up our sleeves in the lives of others, this question matters because when we’ve made a disciple it affirms what's happened in that discipling relationship and propels us outward to go and make more. So, what’s the reliable litmus test a disciple maker can use to identify when a mature disciple has been made?