I do not fight like a man beating the air. No I beat my body and make it my sleep. So that after I've preached to others I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
S.2 Ep.2 Three Postures of an Effective Disciple Maker: Soldier
S.2 Ep.1 Disciples Get Uncomfortable
S.1 Ep.30 3 Ways to Start Disciple Making
S.1 Ep.29 3 Keys to Helping Extroverts Become Excellent Disciple Makers
S1 Ep.28 3 Keys to Help Introverts Become Excellent Disciple Makers
S.1 Ep.27 Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
S.1 Ep. 26 Discipleship vs. Leadership
S.1 Ep. 25 What Does a Disciple Making Meeting Look Like?
S.1 Ep. 24 The Biggest Obstacle to Disciple Making
S.1 Ep. 23 Disciple Growth Process - Young Adult & Maturity
S.1 Ep. 22 Discipleship Growth Process-Child Stage
S.1 Ep. 21 Discipleship Growth Process-Spiritual Infant
S.1 Ep. 20 What does Growth Look Like in a Disciple's Life?
S.1 Ep. 19 Build a Core Team of Disciple Making
S.1 Ep. 18 Church Leaders: Want to Change your Culture? Build a Team
In church after church they had some efforts towards disciple-making that looked good for two, three, maybe even up to five years, but then it would begin to fall in on itself because there wasn't a foundation that was strong enough to support the difficulties that come in the culture building process.